Our Newsletter

The First Palm Sunday
March 20, 2016
The first Palm Sunday procession was a spontaneous event. It was no doubt that the culture of the time to sing and dance on pilgrimages to Jerusalem. Pilgrims travelled to the Holy City on festive occasions. What took place on Palm Sunday may have occurred during other great Jewish festivals.

Marcus Clarke Answers Your Questions About Anglicanism Reloaded II
February 23, 2016
My son Marcus has been talking a lot about the upcoming Anglicanism Reloaded II event. It certainly sounds exiting and people have been even started to ask me question about the event! I'm no expert so I thought I would get Marcus to answers some of our questions and post his answers in this article.

Hope in a Hopeless World
February 11, 2016
Lent is a season of preparation and reflection. It gives us an opportunity to deepen our spiritual lives. God's people must use this quiet period to engage in prayer, fasting an almsgiving. These acts of devotion and piety are not ends in themselves - they provide God's people with opportunity for self-examine and see discovery.

4 Things you can do to fix your failing new years resolutions
February 1, 2016
January has only just ended but for many of us, our New Years resolutions have already started to unravel. This is not surprising, as the available evidence suggest that 92 percent of New Years resolutions fail.

Christmas - A Story of Humanity and God’s Man for the Universe
December 24, 2015
The Christmas event makes the bold statement that God assumed human nature at a particular time in human history and development, in a certain geographical location and Jesus was born of a Jewish woman. St Luke, one of the Church’s early historians, dated the events surrounding the birth of Jesus and the Christmas story around the fifteenth year of the Emperor Tiberius’s rule.

A Meditation on W.H. Auden's For The Time Being - A Christmas Oratorio
December 23, 2015
W.H Auden was one of the most influential figures English language poetry in the last century. He was born in Britain but later emigrated to the United States just before World War II broke out. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1948 for The Age of Anxiety.

Book Recommendation - The Four Loves C.S Lewis
December 1, 2015
The Four Loves by C.S Lewis is one of my all time favourite books. In it, Lewis examines the four words that the Greeks used for the English word love - storage (affection), philia (friendship), eros (romantic love) and agape (divine love). Lewis explores these aspects of human love from a Christian and philosophical perspective.

All Human Life is Sacred - End Drug & Gang Culture Now!
October 19, 2015
The Biblical message affirms the sacredness of human life. Jesus in the Gospels also stressed the completeness of life. His Messianic mission was to save life, not just disembodied souls. Therefore he taught us that those whose intentions are to do evil violate the sacredness of life.

October 15, 2015
This week inspiration comes from "A New Zeland Prayer Book" which is used for Anglican Church worship in that beautiful country. "He Karakia Mihinare O Aotearoa" is a response to the changes in New Zealand society including the re-emergence of a sense of identity among the Māori people.

How Did It Begin? - God and The Big Bang
October 12, 2015
The Apostles Creed teaches us to believe in a God who is more than an ultimate being - one who is the father of all humankind and creator of the world. The Book of Genesis says the world was created in six days.